The inclusive vision of Late Shri. Madhukarrao D. Chaudhari has been the guiding force behind Chetana’s Ramprasad Khandelwal Institute of Management & Research, in its sustained effort in becoming a premier B-School.
The Institute (CRKIMR) which is the first private B-school in the city of Mumbai was inaugurated on 28th August, 1981 with the twin objectives of:
- Providing Quality Management Education to all strata of society
- Empowering students to challenge conventional practices in the ever-changing business-ecosystems.
The Founder President firmly believed that the softer aspects of education like attitude- building, developing a holistic mind-set, encouraging analytical thinking and inculcating leadership skills, are the corner-stones for ensuring the student’s professional success. The program Objectives of the Institute reflect this vision of our founder.
The institute ensures that the learners receive top-quality inputs through a balanced blend of time-tested as well as innovative pedagogies and a continuously adapted curriculum kept abreast with the requirements of the corporate world. A continuous experiential interaction with eminent professionals from industry and other institutions, is provided through various activities like Conclaves, Conferences, Guest Lectures, Panel-discussions, Outbound-activities, Online-sessions, Alumni-interactions etc. These help students to know and understand the practical nuances involved in various domains. Students not only acquire domain-knowledge through these activities but also get a hands on experience of working professionally since they not only participate but also actively contribute in organising these activities, as volunteers in various committees and fora. Such inputs and experiences help students to identify their strengths vis-à-vis the available opportunities and take informed decisions while choosing the specialisations and career paths.