Dr Kavita Khadse
Dr Kavita Khadse is an Enthusiastic academician, researcher, social scientist and Information Systems /Information Technology specialist with more than 26 years of experience in the field of Information systems/ Information Technology Management.
She is an Approved Faculty for MMS, Post Graduate Courses by Mumbai University and Approved Ph.D. guide for “Management Studies” at Mumbai University.
Her academic and research interests include Business and Data Analytics, Management information systems, Information technology Management, Advance Excel and Analytics, Software Engineering, E Commerce, IT Infrastructure Management, IT Applications and case studies, Introduction to Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, E commerce Business analytics, Flipped Classrooms, Cloud computing, Sustainable development, Instructions Technologies, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Technology Management, Business resilience etc.
She has published more 12 research papers in Scopus and UGC Journals & Published 3 research papers in International and National journals and 12 research papers in ISSN journals, in the area of cutting-edge Technology Management.
She is associated with Mumbai University with various activities like Member of Local Enquiry committee and appointed as chairperson/ Moderator for MMM/MFM/MHRDM/MIM III for the subject of “Introduction to Computers” & “Management Information System” and MMS III- “Software Engineering”.
She has been invited as a Panellist at various Management institutes for Conducting assessment of YLP projects & Research Papers, SIP and Capstone vivas including Jamanalal Bajaj Institutes of Management and Research, GNVS Institute of Management & Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research, Mumbai. She has been invited as a Track Chair/Judge for the International Conferences at various Management Institutes in Mumbai.
She is working as an editor for the various International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals also for the Quest Journal of Management. She has worked as an editor for the compendium of KCS 2019.
Dr Kavita Khadse, a passionate teacher always tries to emphasize on student’s experiential learning by means of Students Industry projects or Research, she has been Arranged, Guided & Executed the Industry research projects of students with esteemed organizations like LTI & Mumbai Traffic Police etc. on latest trends of technologies like big data, e Commerce & Business Analytics etc.
She has developed the course content with innovative ICT tools like flipped classroom assignments and activities for the sessions of Advance Excel and Designed website creation and launching tools assignments for students using ICT tool as “Word Press”.
She has contributed for Online Education Systems and Virtual Teaching with coordination with students for online courses and examinations for the students with online education tools like google classrooms, Edmojo and blended learning modules.
She has active participation in various academic events as a coordinator, as an organizing members and also active member of various academic committees.
She has attended orientation and refresher programs from UGC HRDC, RUSA sponsored by Mumbai University and AICTE/MHRD/NTA/ UGC/ Swayam etc.
She has organized and attended faculty development programme by IIMs, IIT and AICTE etc. and also attended various online and off-line workshops on various management subjects.
She has attended 18 International and National Conferences and presented 15 research papers in various conferences. She has received Best research paper award for her research paper presented in the International Conference a Business Resilience, titled as Operational Business Resilience: A Case Study of MGNREGS.
She has imparted knowledge as a visiting faculty at reputed Management Institutes in Mumbai including Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management and Research for the subjects like software engineering and Management information systems.
She has actively participated in AICTE/ UGC/ Higher Education, Ministry of Education Activities/Events like Hackthon, BEAT Covid Campain for Institute and Students.
She has arranged, guided and executed various Live Industry Projects on latest trends of tachnolgoies like Big Data and Data Analytics with LTI, Mumbai Traffic Police ETC.
She has arranged various guest session for Students in the field of technology with SAP, Barclays Bank, Magitt Consultancy, SAS, TCS, Accenture.
She has organized many workshops like R for Workshop, R for business etc.
She has Coordinated with MMS III students Summer internship program with various organizations, LTI, Maharashtra Bank, Ghana Banking Application, Gulf Oil, State Health Information, Education Communication Bureau, TCS, ZUNEEUE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED, AISATS, RDC Cocreate, Anand Rathi, GoCrackIt, Hindustan Times, Factsheet, Prudent Corporate, Business Quant, Outlook Group , Aditya Birla Capital, Photoshooto company, Geldwickx, BTW Group of Companies, NewsCanvass
Academic Credentials
- PhD in Commerce & Management, North Maharashtra University – 2018
- Master of Computer Management, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon – 1995
- Bachelors in Science (BSc) (Electronics), University of Poona – 1992
Mumbai University Affiliations:
- Approved Ph. D guide for “Management Studies” at Mumbai University.
- Approved Faculty for MMS, Post Graduate Courses by Mumbai University.
- Appointed as a Member of Local Inquiry Committee at Mumbai University, 2016
- Appointed as Chairperson/Moderator for MMM/MFM/MHRDM/MIM III- “Introduction to Computers”, at Mumbai University since 2009 to 2012
- Appointed as Chairperson/Moderator for MMM/MFM/MHRDM/MIM III- “Management Information System”, at Mumbai University 2012 to 2021
- Appointed as Chairperson/Moderator for MMS III- “Software Engineering” at Mumbai University 2009 to 2021
Invitation as Judge/Panel/Outside Institute Activities:
- Invited as a Panelist at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies for Conducting viva of MMS Students for assessment of YLP projects & Research Papers of Finance and Marketing specialization.
- Invited as a Panelist at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies for Conducting MID term Reviews of MMS Students for assessment of YLP projects & Research Papers of Finance and Marketing specialization.
- Invited as a visiting faculty at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies for the subject of Software Project Management for MMS III sem. Systems Specialization, 2020.
- Invited as a visiting faculty at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies for the subject of Management Information systems, MMS I Sem. 2017-18.
- Invited as a Track Chair/Judge for the International Conference AI/Robotics Challenges & Prospectus, 7th & 8th march 2020, at Atharva Institute of Management studies,
- Invited as an External Examiner for evaluation of Summer Internship Projects Assessment at GNVS Institute of Management, Mumbai.
- Invited as an External Examiner for Summer Internship Project Assessment at Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research, Mumbai
Awards and Recognitions:
- Received Best research paper award for her research paper presented in the International Conference on Business Resilience, titled as Operational Business Resilience: A Case Study of MGNREGS.
- Received Global Faculty Award 2020 for teaching excellence.
- Appointed as an Institute SPOC for Smart India Hackathon 2018-19 & 2021-22
Guided Summer Internship Projects, MMS II sem. and Capstone Projects for MMS IV Sem. Since 2007 to till date
- Appointed as IT coordinator for Mumbai University, DEPDS (Digital
- Exam Paper Delivery) for the year of 2018-19to till date
- Appointed as CAP coordinator for the assessment center, Mumbai University
- Working as “Editors” of “International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research”, Indexed Journal, Refereed Journal, Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2456-0421, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.32
- Working as a Review Member of Review committee of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS – IJCRT, International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal, ISSN: 2320-2882 | Impact factor: 7.9
- Working as Editorial member of Quest Research journal, CRKIMR, ISSN 0976-
- Worked as an Editor for the compendium of KCS 2019.
Innovations in Teaching Methods & Course Development:
Dr Kavita Khadse, a passionate teacher always tries to emphasis on student’s experiential learning by means of Students Industry projects or Research:
Students Industry Projects Arranged, Guided & Executed:
- Big Data with Mumbai Traffic Police 2016-17
- Data Analytics with LTI, 2017-18
- Business Agility LTI, -2018-19
Course Development:
- Designed flipped classroom assignments and activities for the sessions of advance Excel for MMS students
- Designed website creation and launching tools assignments for students using ICT tool “Word ”
Contribution in Online Education Systems (Virtual Teaching):
- Coordinated for MMS II & MMS IV sem. Students for online Coursera for Campus
- Conducted Online Examinations through Google Classrooms successfully, for MMS IV sem. Students for specialization wise internal subjects.
- MMS IV SEM University Online MCQ Examination: Conducted successfully online Examinations for MMS IV sem. Students for the subject of Project Management, online MCQ Examination through Google Classroom in collaboration with Mumbai University.
- Coordinated for MMS III Online Sessions through Google classrooms, for all specializations.
- Created Blended Learning Modules.
Worked as a Member of various academic committees:
- Member of Examination Committee,
- Member of Website & IT Committee,
- Coordinator for Attendance Committee
- Coordinator for MMS III Systems/IT
- Coordinator for Technical committee.
- Organizing committee for International Conference since 2009
- Member of Industry Institute Interaction Cell committee.
- Member of Institute Innovation Cell committee
- Member of Editorial committee of CRKIMR
- Member of committee for Facilitation Center
- Worked for Admission committee
- Worked as an ARC coordinator
- Worked as Member of Anti-Ragging
- Worked as Member of Unfair Means Committee,
- Worked as a member of Time table Committee
Active participation in various academic events:
- Worked as a Coordinator for MMS Induction since 2011.
- Worked as Participation as a Technical committee member, Guest relationship committee Member, creative committee Member, for the events like Elixir, KCS, HROPSYS, Vipnan, Arthnad, Reminiscence & Convocation, International Conference since 2007
- Organizing Committee Member of International Research Conferences since 2009 & also worked as a Review Member & Track Chair. Worked as Organizing committee member for international conference 2021 and worked for eight various committees with remarkable contribution.
- Worked as a Coordinator for the events KCS 2019, National level case study
- Member of Organizing Committee for Symposium
- Organizing Committee Member for Convocation
Books Reviewed:
- Appreciation: Reviewed a book ‘Information Technology for Management’, by Ravi Behl published by Tata McGraw Name displayed in the book, 2009
Orientation/ Refresher Courses Attended: 2
- Attended 16 weeks Refresher course conducted by Swayam ARPIT, AICTE approved Annual online Refresher course in Management
- Attended 2 weeks Refresher course on “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”, at Mumbai university
Faculty Development Programs & Workshops Organized & Attended: 24
Faculty Development Programs & Workshops Organized: 4
Faculty Development Programs Attended: 20
- FDPS at IIM & IIT (AICTE Approved): 2
- Other International and National FDPs: 4
- FDPs conducted at CRKIMR: 7
Workshops, Webinar & Seminars Attended: 24
- Offline Workshops and Seminars: 4
- Online Workshops and Seminars with Certificate: 11
- Online Workshops Webinar and Seminars Without Certificates: 9
Research Conferences Attended: 18
International: 8
National: 10
Conference Paper Presented: 15
International Conferences: 9
National Conferences: 6
Research Papers Published:
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, (2020), “Awareness & Applications of Artificial Intelligence Tools for Management Students” Published in Phycology & Education Journal, ISSN 00333077, Volume 57 No. 9 (2020), UGC Care Group II, Scopus Indexed journal
- Dr Kavita Khadse (2020), “To Explore the Effect of Social Networking Sites on Students Academic Performance”, Published in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, ISSN: 1309-4653, Vol.11No.3(2020), 856-866, UGC Care Group II, Scopus Indexed journal.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, (2021), “Applications of Machine Learning in Loan Prediction Systems” Published in, LINGUISTICA ANTVERPIENSIA, ISSN 0304-2294, Volume -2021, Issue – 3, 2021, pg 3658-3674, UGC Care Group II, Scopus Indexed journal.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, (2022), “Exploratory study of Augmented Reality SDK’S & Virtual Reality SDK’S”, Paper was presented in International Conference on “Unlocking the Potential of Post-Covid Transformations in Commerce & Management for Economic Development and Sustainability” on 24th April 2021, Published in, Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, ISSN 1567-214X, Volume -18, Issue – 7, 2021, pg 2208-2222, UGC Care Group II, Scopus Indexed journal.
- Dr. Makarand Upadhyaya, Dr. Kavita Khadse, Dr. Vijay Vishwakarma, Dr. Ranjini. M L, Mrs.G.Thamaraiselvi, (2022), “Effect of Covid-19 Lockdown on Employees and Environment”, Published in, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Vol.37, No.3, 2022, UGC Care Group II, Scopus Indexed journal.
- Dr. Ranit Kishore, Dr. Kavita Khadse, Dr. Sushil Kumar Gupta, Dr. Ashish Mohture, Prof. Reena Poojara, Dr. A. Govindarajan, (2022), “Impact of Employee Engagement on Turnover Intention in the Context of Hospitality Industry “, Published in, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Vol.37, No.3, 2022, UGC Care Group II, Scopus Indexed Journal
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, (2021), “To Study Applications of Agricultural Drones in Irrigation and Agriculture” Published in Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, ISSN 0974-6455, Special Issue Volume 14 Number (9) 2021, PG 81-86, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) / Web of Science (WoS)
- Dr. Kavita Khadse (2021), “Big Data Challenges and Trends Pertaining to ASEAN Countries”, Published in Empirical Economics Letters, Innovative Research in Management, Social Science and Humanities with ISSN 1681-8997, Published in Volume 20, Special Issue 2, August 2021, Indexed in EconLit and included in Cabell’s Directory, ERA accredited and included in ABDC Journal quality list, endorsed in Publons which is a part of Web of Science Group.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse (2021), “To Study – Role of Artificial Intelligence in Procurement”, Paper was presented in International Conference on “Unlocking the Potential of Post-Covid Transformations in Commerce & Management for Economic Development and Sustainability” on 24th April 2021, Published in The Journal of Oriental Research Madras with ISSN: 0022-3301, Published in Vol. XCII-V: 2021, UGC-CARE List Group I.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse & Dr. Rashmi Sharma (2019), “Study of factors influencing Management Faculties adoption of Instructional Technology and Designing Conceptual Model”, National Conference of Maharashtra state Commerce Association on “Commerce and Management in 21st Century”, 12-13th January 2019, Published in International Research Fellow Associations, Research Journey, ISSN -2348-7143, January 2019, with impact factor 6.261, UGC approved Journal.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, (2019), “Refining Strategies and Improvised Decision Making with Insights from Big data applications”, Published in International Journal of advanced Scientific Research and Management, ISSN 2455-6378, Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2019, UGC approved Journal.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, (2019), “Acing the Game with Adoption of new Technological Ecosystems by Enterprises”, Published in International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews (IJSRR), ISSN: 2279-0543, Volume 8, Issue 1, Jan-March Issue 2019 with Impact factor of 6.946, UGC approved journal.
- Dr. Kavita Khadse, Mr Pranav Pai (2020), “Cloud computing Awareness, Adoption and Usage among Management Students”, Published in International Journal of Concerns, Complexities and Dialogue, Double Blind Peer Reviewed, Multidisciplinary E journal, Volume I, Issue I , Jan –March 2021, International journal ( non UGC)
- Dr. Kavita Khadse,Dr Uday Sawant & Mr Shreyash Joshi (2020) ,“ Indian FMCG: Planning Route to Grow Healthier”, Published in New trends in Research and Innovation Technology, Journal of Research and development, Multidisciplinary International Level , Referred Journal, ISSN: 2230-9578, Volume 10, Issue 13 with Impact factor of 5.13,
International Journal (Non UGC)
- Kavita Khadse (2018), “Disruptions in Marketing of Enterprises by integration of Big Data applications”, Presented in International Research Conference on “5th Asia Pacific International Conference on changing Business Practices in Current Environment”, 4-5 January, 2018. Published Abstract in Proceedings of 5th Asia Pacific International Conference,
(Non UGC)
- Kavita Khadse (2011), “U.S. Recession: Crisis for Indian I.T. Industry?”, Presented in National conference on “Crisis Management”, 18th February 2011, published in Volume II, Issue II September 2011, ISSN 0976-2000, Quest Journal of Management Research, CRKIMR., (Non UGC)
- Kavita khadse (2013), “Scope of Cloud Computing in Making SME’s More Energy Efficient”, Presented in National conference on “SYNRGIES: Emerging Challenges & Opportunities in Energy Management”, 23 rd February 2013, Published in Volume V, Issue 8, September 2013, ISSN 0976-0628. Quest Journal of Management Research, CRKIMR. (Non UGC)
- Kavita Khadse, Dr. Rashmi Sharma (2014), “Sustainable Inclusive Growth in Management Education through Adoption of Instructional Technologies”, Presented in National conference on “Sustainable Inclusive Growth through Socially Responsible Enterprises”, 22 March 2014, published in Volume VI, Issue 9, September 2014, ISSN 0976-0628, Quest Journal of Management Research, CRKIMR. (Non UGC)
- Kavita Khadse, Dr. Rashmi Sharma (2015), “India Vision 2020-How the Higher Education in India Will Change?”, National Conference on “India Vision 2020: Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Management Challenges”, 20 March 2015, Published in volume VI, Issue I, March 2015, ISSN 0926-2000, Quest journal of Management Research, CRKIMR., (Non UGC)
- Kavita Khadse, Dr. Rashmi Sharma (2016), “Flipped Classrooms Leveraged Management Education in India”, International Conference on “Diversity: Leveraging the Differences”, 19th March 2016, Published in volume VIII, Issue II, September 2016, ISSN 097676-0628, Journal of Management Research, CIMR, (Non UGC)
- Kavita Khadse (2017), “Applications of Big Data in Management Education”, Published in International conference on “Business & Society: Value Creation through Analytics”, 19th December 2017, Published in Volume IX, Issue 12, December 2017, ISSN 0976-0628. Journal of Management Research, CIMR, (Non UGC)
- Dr. Kavita Khadse & Pranav Pai, Aradhya Deshmukh, Sushil Wadnere, Gaurav Chaudhary (2019), “Business Agility: Artificial Intelligence in Management Education”, Paper was presented in International Conference on “Business Agility: Capabilities and Insights”, 19th January 2019. Published in Journal of Management & Research, ISSN No: 0976-0628, Volume 11 Issue I March 2019, CIMR, (Non UGC)
- Dr. Kavita Khadse & Aditya Nijap, Udit Uchil, Sabaht sayad bukhari, Chetana sawant, Sagar Tirkunde, shubham Patil, Vivek Yadav (2019) “Business Agility: Industries Adapting to Plastic Phase Out” Paper was presented in International Conference on “Business Agility: Capabilities and Insights”, 19th January 2019. Published in Journal of Management & Research, ISSN No: 0976-0628, Volume 11 Issue I March 2019, CIMR, (Non UGC)
- Dr. Kavita Khadse & Gauri Agarwal (2020), “To Study Role and Applications of Natural Language Processing in Business and Education”, Published in Quest journal of Management Research, CRKIMR, volume XI, Issue II, September 2020, ISSN 0926-2000, (Non UGC)
- Dr. Kavita Khadse & Hardik Mundhada, Tejal Rokade, Nikita Chawala (2020), “Virtual Water Trade: An assessment of Implementation feasibility in India” Paper was presented in International Conference on “Water secure world”, 18th January 2020, Published in Journal of Management & Research, ISSN No: 0976-0628, Volume II Issue II September 2020, CIMR, (Non UGC)
- 26. Kavita Khadse, Tanvi Jadhav, Mohini Holkar, Vaishali Pawar, Yogeshwar Bacchewar,
(2021) Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing for Various Sectors like 40 – 55 E-commerce, IT and Food Chain with Reference to ASEAN Countries as India and Singapore “Paper was presented in International Conference on “Harnessing India’s Resources to make India Self-Reliant”, on 23rd February 2021,”, Published in Journal of Management & Research, ISSN No: 0976-0628, Volume XIII Issue I March 2020, CIMR, like 40 – 55, (Non UGC)
- Dr Kavita Khadse & Manjiri Raut, Hitiksha Darji, Tanvi Bisani , Shivkumar Prajapati (2021), “Nation Branding: Building Brand Image of ASEAN Countries through Tourism ”, Paper was presented in International Conference on “Harnessing India’s Resources to make India Self-Reliant in collaboration with ASEAN countries”,23rd February 2020, Published in Quest Journal of Management Research, ISSN 0976-0628. , Volume XII Issue I, CRKIMR. (Non UGC)
Visiting Faculty:
- Invited as a visiting faculty at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies for the subject of Software Project Management for MMS III sem. Systems Specialization, 2020.
- Invited as a visiting faculty at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies for the subject of Management Information systems, MMS I Sem. 2017-18