Prof CA Suhas Gharat
Prof / CA Suhas Gharat is a hardcore academician and has spent almost four decades in the field of academics. After graduating at the age of 20, he immediately joined a private coaching classes for Third Year B Com where there used to be around 250 + students. He spent around 6 years in coaching classes and then joined M L Dahanukar College of Commerce in the year 1996. During his tenure with M L Dahanukar College of commerce apart from regular B Com classes, he successfully carried first batch of B Com (Accounting and Finance) from Semester I to Semester VI.
He is a multi- tasker. During his early ages, apart from coaching classes, he used to work as article assistant for pursuing Chartered Accountancy course. The firm with which he was doing articleship, after successfully clearing his Chartered Accountancy course he became the first Chartered Accountant from the firm.
In the year 1996, he formed his own proprietary firm in the field of Audit and Taxation, S S Gharat and Co and since then for last more than 20 years, he has been working as “Auditor”, “Tax consultant” and providing services in the field of Income Tax, Service Tax, GST, Audit, Accountancy. At present he is an approved faculty by University of Mumbai.
In 2004, he joined Chetana’s R K Institute of Management as” Assistant Professor” and then he never turned back and became the integral part of Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research. As of now, he is one of the senior most faculties at Chetana’s, who has consistently received a rating of more than 4 out of 5 for all the batches taught so far by him.
At present, he is the Head – Finance for Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research and teaches Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Corporate Valuation and Mergers and Acquisitions. He has also taught Cost and Management Accounting, Advanced Financial Management, Analysis of Financial Statement. He teaches Semester I, Semester II and Semester III and also coordinates with visiting faculties for Semester III and Semester IV.
Apart from regular teaching assignments at Chetana which is an integral part of his duties. He has been a part of almost all the events, activities and committees (academics as well as non-academics). He is the part of various committees at Chetana’s such as Anti Ragging Committee, Internal Complaint Committee, IQAC, Unfair Means committee, Institution – Industry Cell, Women Development Cell.
As a part of Unfair means committee, he has conducted various impartial hearings to recommend decisions in cases of unfair means adopted by students during the examination. As a part of IQAC, he has successfully evaluated all subjects for Sem I, Sem II and Sem III for MMS batch 2019-21. He successfully analyzed session plan, Mumbai University syllabus, floor plan, question paper by co relating the same with COPO for each subject. The appropriate recommendations for improvement were also suggested after the analysis.
Prof / CA Suhas Gharat is a part of “Shivaji Park Study Circle” a group formed by 200+ chartered accountants as a part of mandatory requirement of ICAI. He regularly attend the workshops / meetings held every month for the purpose of updating the knowledge in the field of Audit and Taxation. As a part of CPE (Continuous Professional Education), he has attended various one day and two days workshops conducted by WIRC of ICAI. As of today, he has attended 50+ seminars/ workshops conducted by WIRC of ICAl and Shivaji Park Study Circle . He has also been a coordinator at few event held by WIRC of ICAI.
At Chetana’s, he is a part of “Finance Forum” which conducts annual Event “Arthanaad” as a part of co curriculum activity for MBA students. He is also a part of interview panel since last more than a decade for selecting candidates for “Finance specialization”. He has also guided Chetana Trust on various financial matters such as Accounting, Budgeting, Finance, compliances etc.
Being a part of Chetana’s R K faculties, he has mentored on an average at least 20 “Finance” students per year for summer internship (At least more than 200 in all) for more than a decade. Further additional on an average 15 students per year are mentored for “Capstone Project” for semester IV. He has also been a part of viva panel for conducting Mock viva and panel discussions for pre placement preparation for MMS students.
Research Papers:
- “Impact of water scarcity on the Financials of Selected Thermal power companies in India” – presented on 18 January 2020 at International Conference on ‘ A Water Secured World” held at Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research and Chetana’s Institute of Management.
- “How will Maharaja Survive ?” – presented on 19 January 2019 at International Conference on ‘Business Agility : Capabilities and Insights’ held at Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research and Chetana’s Institute of Management.
- “NBFC Sector sailing through rought weather” – presented on 19 January 2019 at International Conference on ‘Business Agility : Capabilities and Insights’ held at Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research and Chetana’s Institute of Management.
- “Banking and Finance : Ten years after the 2007-08 Financial Crisis” – presented on 19 January 2019 at International Conference on ‘Business Agility : Capabilities and Insights’ held at Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research and Chetana’s Institute of Management.
- “ Working from Home – New Normal” – ‘Journal of Research and Development’ Volume -10, Issue -13, (Special Issue) , December 2020, ISSN-2230-9578, Cosmos Impact Factor- 5.13
- “Financial Planning- Need of the Day” – ‘Journal of Research and Development’ Volume -10, Issue -13, (Special Issue) , December 2020, ISSN-2230-9578, Cosmos Impact Factor- 5.13
- “Corona Virus and a Story of Capital Market”- Quest Journal of Management Research published by Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research, Volume XI, Issue II, September 2020, ISSN 0976-2000.
- “Studying the NBFC Landscape in India”- Co author Prof Aftab Shaikh, Ms Tejal Rokade – Quest Journal of Management Research published by Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research, Volume XI, Issue II, September 2020, ISSN 0976-2000.
- “Formation of Service Blueprint” – Co author Aditya Pawar – Quest Journal of Management Research published by Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research, Volume XI, Issue II, September 2020, ISSN 0976-2000.
- “Using Data Analytics to Map Channel Partners to Corresponding Clients Yielding Intel on Future Forward Sales Opportunities” – Co author Ms Shraddha Dhumale
Trainings and Workshops Attended
- ‘Company Valuation : Concepts and Techniques’ Executive Training Programme conducted by CRISIL held on February 25-26, 2019.
- “Advanced Pedagogical Techniques” Grade – A – 7 days Faculty Development programme conducted by Teaching and Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, New Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madam Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (MOOCs) held from 28 February – 06 March 2022.
- “Inculcating Human Values in Technical Education” – 5 days UHV (Universal Human Values) seminar conducted by AICTE from 19 April 2021 to 23 April 2021.
- “ Building Resilience in Business and Beyond” – One day Faculty Development programme held on 8 April 2022 by Chetana’s R K Institute of Management and Research and Chetana’s Institute of Management and Research.