Prof Meghana Patil
Prof. Meghana Patil has a rich experience of 22 years in the teaching profession, comprising of 8 years at Graduation Level and 14 years at Post Graduate Level. She faced and overcame challenges in her professional career with persistence and perseverance. Equipped with in depth knowledge of her subjects and innovative teaching methods she has successfully and consistently delivered lectures centred around the development of her students, making her one of the “Student Favourites.”
Her objective is enhancement of her professional growth through continuous learning while giving her best as well as effectively and efficiently solving the challenges, in service of the Institute.. She also has administrative work experience to her credit being the course coordinator along with a full-time faculty at the Institute.
Prof. Meghana Patil is a B.Com Graduate and has completed her Masters of Management Studies ( MMS) from MET Institute of Management Studies affiliated to University of Mumbai . Furthermore, she has completed her M.Phil in Management from Alagappa University and also completed her UGC NET in Management in 2013.
In the course of her teaching tenure Prof. Meghana Patil has taught various subjects such as Financial Management, Financial Accounting , Corporate valuation, Analysis of Financial statement. Advance Financial Management and Management Contrl System. Her area of interest is Behavioural Finance .
Prof. Meghana Patil has published 12 research papers several of those are further adapted as book chapters.
- Meghana Patil & Dr. Mahalakshmi Krishnan (2011)” Strategic Use of CSR for Sustainability” published in the book “Corporate Social Responsibility –issues and challenges ISBN 978-81-8424-681-O
- Meghana Patil & Dr. Mahalkshmi Krishnan (2011),” Integrating Environment, Social and Governance Factors in Investment Decisions with Reference to Small Investors” National
- Conference on Changing Business Practices in Current Scenario organized by SIESCOMS on the 26th and 27th August 2011. no
- Meghana Patil (2012)” SME Exchange –Issues Challenges and Opportunities” Lala Lajpatrai Institute Of Management Journal of Research ISSN2229-4740 volume no. IV July- December 2012
- Meghana Patil & Charu Upadhyaya(2014) ““A study on impact of economic variables on FDI in India” “Demand and Supply Management “book published by Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management 2014 ISBN No. 978-81-909446-5-8
- Meghana Patil(2016) “”Demographic Impact on Economic Growth in BRICS and selected non BRICS nations” “Make in India Opportunities and challenges “book published by Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management 2016 ISBN No. 978-81-85027-68-4
- Meghana Patil (2017)” “Responsible Finance in Microfinance for Inclusive Growth: A case study on Vietnam Microfinance Industry”published in International Journal of management development and training , volume no. ISSN 2347-9361
- Meghana Patil (2017), A study on saving and investment pattern of salaried class in Mumbai city and suburbs, published Published in the book of “Smart farming problems and prospectus “Lala LajpatRai Institute of Management ISBN no. 978-81-933546-3-6
- Meghana Patil & Charu Upadhyaya (2018),” Integrating CSR and Stakeholders towards Sustainable Corporate citizenship: A case of IOCL published on the website of Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management
- Meghana Patil & Dr. Shilpa Parkhi (2019)” Analysing retail investor’s behavior towards their fiduciary w.r.t. Mutual fund” published in Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on 4C’s-Communication, Commerce, Connectivity, Culture, SIMSARC 2018,European Alliance for Innovation ISBN 978-1-63190-191-1
- Meghana Patil & Komal Patil (2019) “ Read to Lead “ published in the book of professional perks of reading books ISBNNo. 978-81-944696-5-0
- Meghana Patil et al (2021) “India-Opportunities for Electronic Goods Export” published in the book of ASEAN and Indian Business Perspectives: Contemporary Approach
In the pursuit of continuous learning and self-improvement she has also participated attended various Faculty Development Programmes as listed below:
- ‘How to Frame Course Objectives’ organized by Chetana’s RK IMR in Feb 2021
- Demystifying a Case Study’ organized by CRKIMR AUG 2020
- Three Day Faculty Development Program on NBA Process and Documentation’ organized CRKIMR AUG 2020 by Chetana’s RK IMR in August 2020
- “How to Publish Research Paper in Scopus Indexed Journal: A Step By Step Approach” organized by Dr. V.P.N. Bedekar Institute of management Thane.
- Writing impactful Research Sabaragamua University, Sri Lanka In association with Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University
- Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical education, organized by AICTE 2021 AICTE 2021
- Design Thinking and Innovative Approaches in teaching For B schools Teachers’ ” AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy and Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior.Dec.2021
- “Structural Equation Modelling Using Smart PLS 3.3.2 organised by Koach Scholar, New Delhi.
Prof. Meghana has also completed Certification course
- One Month Weekend Course on “Art of Doing Effective Literature Review”
- One Month online course on “Qualitative Data Analysis Using MAXQDA”
As a full time faculty Prof. Meghana Patil is member of various committees of the institute where she worked
- Internal complaint committee
- SC,ST committee
- Member of organising committee of International conference.
- Admission committee member
- Attendance committee member
Prof. Meghana Patil has also worked as a examiner for University of Mumbai.