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Challenger 2024

25th May 2024

Challenger is the annual sports and cultural meet held every year at the…

Induction Ceremony

9th Jun 2023

Induction Ceremony 2023 for   MMS 2023- 2025 Date: 4th September 2023

The Convocation Ceremony

29th Apr 2023

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dumy text ever since the 1500s,…

GMAT Category

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25th May 2024

Challenger 2024

Challenger is the annual sports and cultural meet held every year at the…

9th Jun 2023

Induction Ceremony

Induction Ceremony 2023 for   MMS 2023- 2025 Date: 4th September 2023

29th Apr 2023

The Convocation Ceremony

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dumy text ever since the 1500s,…